Maximize Your Recovery in a Personal Injury Case

Personal Injury Case

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After an accident, regardless of where it took place, the first concern should be focused on your overall health and recovery. Although, failing to file a report or claim promptly could result in a forfeiture of your personal injury case and resulting settlement. Additionally, you will want someone on your side who knows the insurance companies and how to deal with them to ensure fair and optimal compensation.

If your personal injury case is related to an auto accident, click HERE to get your free accident report!

Don’t Go Up Against the Insurance Companies Unarmed

Insurance companies, unfortunately, are just businesses, and they work very hard to find ways to avoid paying money. The less they pay, the more money they make, so their primary goal is to avoid paying you money. The insurance company will likely conduct a thorough investigation into the facts of your claim, in addition any pre-existing medical conditions or history that may diminish the severity of your recent claim. In some instances, the insurance company will hire an investigator to follow you around to see if you engage in any physically strenuous activities that contradict the details of your personal injury claim.

In addition to monitoring you outside of the court, these companies will often find ways to interview your friends and family as to the details of the case and / or your health. It’s important to never discuss the details of your case with anyone other than your physicians and lawyers. Also, remind friends and family not to post on social media about you, until your accident lawsuit is resolved. Facebook is the first place that the insurance investigator is going to look.

Be Honest with Your Injury Lawyer

One of the worst mistakes you could make is failing to inform your personal injury lawyer as to any pre-existing injuries, accidents or other physical complaints that occurred before the accident. When the insurance company’s investigators and lawyers successfully obtains your past medical records, which they will, then they will try to prove your claimed injuries existed before the accident. If you have not been open and honest about past injuries, that will make you appear dishonest, and it will drastically reduce your credibility regarding your current pain and injuries.

Be detailed in your descriptions of injuries, aches and pains, and work with your lawyer to keep a log of the limitations this injury has had on your physical activity / how your day-to-day life has been impacted. Your injury lawyer can only help fight your case when they know all the pertinent information and any changes to that information as the case is ongoing. Be honest with your lawyer throughout your personal injury case, and keep them notified of any changes in treatment, treating physician, new injuries, returning to work, or additional applications for insurance benefits.

Ensure Maximum Recovery in Your Personal Injury Case

Your best bet to ensure you get the compensation you deserve after a personal injury is to hire a trusted injury lawyer in Alpharetta or Marietta to help fight your personal injury case. Don’t go up against the insurance companies unarmed! Hire the Big Guns at Morrison & Hughes – we’re here to help you maximize the recovery in your personal injury case and ensure you get the help, treatment and compensation you rightfully deserve.

Call us today at (404) 689-2734 or fill out our online contact form to get in touch with one of our attorneys for a free consultation!

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